Processes, Policies, and Procedures Development

What We Do

To ensure that knowledge management becomes a permanent and self-sustaining organizational capability, Iknow helps our clients define and implement KM processes, policies, and procedures. For example, process guidelines are often developed for managing content throughout its lifecycle (i.e., content submission, review and approval, retention, and expiration). Standardized business processes may also be created in areas such as content summarization, external content selection and review, access rights to specific content repositories, and ongoing KM performance measurement.

In addition, Iknow helps develop organization-specific KM policies such as what types of content should be captured (or not captured) in KM repositories, and who has access to different types of content. Policies may also be needed to cover limitations on usage, especially for externally sourced content.

Iknow’s process and policy recommendations combine insights from our prior work and from findings from external benchmarking, with customization for each client’s unique culture, resources, and capabilities. We often conduct interim workshops and simulations to ensure that our process and policy proposals are the best possible fit with our client’s specific culture and organization.


Iknow’s Processes, Policies, and Procedures Development deliverables take many forms. Draft policies and procedures are prepared and submitted to senior management for their review and acceptance. Graphical process maps describe future-state work flows for the key KM activities. The process maps generally include activity descriptions, roles and responsibilities, automation opportunities, and potential branches and loops depending on the outcome of each process step. These maps are helpful for developing detailed role descriptions, communicating the vision to the organization, and training.

Iknow also offers assistance for implementing new KM processes, policies, and procedures.

Business Value

Well-developed processes and policies simplify KM implementation, accelerate organizational uptake and buy-in, and strengthen ongoing maintenance processes for knowledge management. Once established, these foundational elements of KM can “run in the background,” reducing management burden and improving KM outcomes.

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