What We Do

A current-state assessment of the existing knowledge management-related IT infrastructure can be done as a stand-alone project or as part of a broader KM current-state assessment. Understanding the existing technologies and tools is necessary because they play a critical role in enabling the core KM processes.

The Current-State KM Technology Assessment encompasses all the important aspects of the technical infrastructure. Not only do we look at the installed software products, we understand the version levels, upgrades, patches, deployed modules, configuration settings, and customizations that are specific to the deployment. We review IT-related issues such as security, compatibility, scalability, flexibility, disaster recovery/business continuity, and service level agreements. We also look at usage statistics and trends, issue logs, help desk logs, and all types of end-user feedback (e.g., surveys).

Sometimes, these assignments are broadened to include making technology-related recommendations, which are based on the current-state assessment findings.


The output is a current-state technology infrastructure assessment document or report.

Business Value

Having a detailed understanding of the existing technology infrastructure is vital when launching any type of system enhancement or installing one or more new software products. The Current-State KM Technology Assessment provides a snapshot of the installed IT functionality and capabilities. It also summarizes the values of relevant performance metrics, which often serve as baselines to measure future improvements and ROI.

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