Dr. Simon Trussler and Mr. Robert Armacost presented a session titled, "Getting More Value out of Content: Key Success Factors in Auto-classification” at APQC`S 23rd Annual Knowledge Management (KM) Conference 2018 in Houston, Texas. The audience of more than 100 learned about the significant impact being achieved by organizations across all industries from the effective use of new text analytics and auto-classification tools. These types of emerging AI tools are helping enterprises to regain control over their exploding content volumes and enable their staff more easily discover and use the most relevant content needed for critical work.
Dr. Trussler and Mr. Armacost used case studies to illustrate not only the potential impact that enterprises can realize from these tools, but also the common challenges to overcome. Successful enterprises have applied very different thinking about KM infrastructure, roles, and processes, along with more emphasis on design of the taxonomy backbone and a stronger business role over content management. The speakers provided an framework for diagnosing the current state, developing a business case for auto-classification, and developing an implementation roadmap, which any organization can take and use.
Their presentation slides can be accessed here: iknow_presentation-apqc_km_conference-18apr2018.pdf