Quoin has established a twenty-year track record of successful application development and system integration projects – delivering innovative solutions on time, on budget, and on target. Quoin is an expert in interactive application development, system integrations, and building sophisticated, high-volume websites.
Quoin’s consultants and project teams have a comprehensive understanding of a broad range of technologies upon which LAMP-stack open source solutions are built. They participated in the specification of industry standards through the Object Management Group, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Apache Software Foundation, and other organizations. They have top-tier “Committer” status with the Debian Linux Project and served on the Project Management Committees of both Apache Cocoon and Apache Lenya. Additionally, Quoin’s engineers are registered members of the Drupal.org developer community.
Quoin is accomplished experts with web content management systems (WCMS) built in Drupal/PHP and Java. Further, the company has extensive experience working with MVC frameworks across disparate languages and across components of the application tier. This includes implementations both on the client and the server side using PHP, Javascript, Java, Django, and other languages.
Quoin follows effective project management and are enthusiastic users of Agile practices. Quoin follows a proven process for planning, continuous integration, and test-driven development that produces defect-free and economical results.
Iknow has been a partner with Quoin since 2012.